Members-only Developer Relations Developer relations: 10 tips for running successful developer surveys One of the more enduring misconceptions perpetuated within DevRel circles is developers’ hatred of marketing....
Members-only Developer Relations Developer advocacy doesn’t equal developer relations Usually, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about developer relations is developer advocacy. Indeed, 9 times out of 10, the first role that’s hired in a new DevRel team is a developer advocate....
Members-only Developer Relations Developer relations and developer marketing…they aren’t the same thing The world of developer relations is often in a state of change. The industry has many takes, but most boil down to relating information and communicating with developers....
Members-only Developer Relations How Wix overcame the challenge of marketing to developers Asaf Shevach, Product Marketing Lead at Wix, explains the challenges in marketing and perception to developers, and how he overcame them, sharing key lessons learned....
Members-only Developer Marketing Keep them hooked: effective product update strategy Marketing to software developers can be a real chore. But, luckily for us, here’s a no-frills, all nuts and bolts guide to an effective update strategy!...