Members-only Developer Communities The psychology of community: why human connection makes CLG work Belonging to a community, being able to engage with others, and forging authentic relationships are all critical parts of being human. So, it’s no surprise that people look for community in nearly everything they do....
Members-only Developer Communities 9 skills you need to become the best community manager The role of community manager requires creativity, analytical thinking, and problem-solving while remaining approachable and switched on....
Members-only Developer Communities Community OKRs: what are they and why do you need them? It can be challenging to know if your community is hitting its targets - especially if you aren’t even sure what those targets are. So how do you set and measure goals for your community? OKRs are a great way to set goals and understand how to achieve them....
Members-only Developer Relations Navigating the DevRel job market If you’re finding yourself on the job market and considering a role in DevRel, or a shift from a previous role, take a look at your options....
Members-only Developer Communities Where do developers hang out? Targeting developers can be tricky - they are a notoriously fragmented group. So where can you find them? Developers tend to look for a community, so you can typically find them in a variety of dev communities....
Members-only Developer Communities Why developer communities matter Today, we’re focusing on developer communities. They’re channels or platforms that allow devs to engage in discussions with one another, as well as in conversations with experts. It provides a place for them to thrive and grow as well....
Members-only Developer Relations Developer relations: Developer First & Developer Plus companies It’s easy to make assumptions about developer relations. It might depend on what you’ve heard, or the company you’ve worked for. Your organizational context makes all the difference in the world....
Members-only Developer Communities The importance of building community, trust, and advocacy Many companies are now investing a lot of time and effort in building compelling community programs and scaleable advocacy programs for continued success....
Members-only Developer Communities How developer champions can drive product adoption Have you ever wondered how to get more developers to use your products? The answer may be simpler than you think: developer evangelists equal more eyeballs on your offerings. At least, that’s the idea…...
Members-only Developer Communities Win the hearts and minds of your developer community I am deeply passionate about communities. I have been ever since the early days of Open Source. I’m talking dial-up internet times, by the way....
Members-only Developer Communities Building an online community from scratch Setting up your own online community can be such a powerful tool. Our aim should be to create a centralized platform where devs can really sing from the rooftops about how great your product is!...
Members-only Developer Marketing The science behind feedback gathering from developers We’ve discussed the importance of marketers getting into that headspace of a developer. That’s our ultimate goal, to bridge the gap between the marketer and the developer....