This article is based on Uttam Tripathi’s outstanding talk at the 2024 Developer Engagement Summit. As a DMA member, you can enjoy the complete recording here

AI is no longer just a buzzword; it’s reshaping how we live, work, and build – and it’s revolutionizing how developers engage with new platforms and technologies. 

This article explores how AI is transforming developer relations (DevRel) and what you can do to stay ahead.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The impact of AI on developer relations
  • How AI can streamline developer engagement and support
  • Practical ways to incorporate AI into your DevRel strategy

Let’s dive in.

AI: The fourth industrial revolution

By now, you’ve probably heard it a hundred times: we’re living through the fourth industrial revolution. But what exactly does that mean? 

It all started back in late 2022 when ChatGPT first launched, and suddenly, AI was all anyone could talk about. People were amazed, saying things like, "This is the end of Google as we know it." And since then, there’s been no looking back. The technology has advanced at breakneck speed, with more and more companies entering the space.

It’s safe to say that AI is driving this revolution. Just look at the streets of San Francisco – self-driving cars are becoming a common sight. For visitors especially, it’s a bit unsettling. But these are just the early signals of what’s to come. We’re at the start of a long journey, and just like we saw with the mobile revolution, it’s the developers and builders who will shape the future.

Big companies will provide the platforms, but real innovation – the kind that solves local problems – will come from developers and builders. 

The role of developers in the AI revolution

Right now, everyone’s eyes are on generative AI, but the focus will eventually shift toward on-device capabilities, driven by concerns over privacy and security. 

That’s where developer relations (DevRel) comes in. Our job is to take these platforms and make them accessible to developers around the world, so they can create solutions for their communities. We must ensure these developers have a great experience and use the technology in a responsible, safe, and positive way. 

The solutions that come out of this AI-driven revolution will span across industries. We’ll see advancements in healthcare, transportation, drug discovery, and even in the everyday tasks that people do. This is the big wave of change that’s already underway, and it’s only going to keep growing.

AI’s impact on developer relations

AI is not just transforming technology – it’s also changing how we approach developer relations. For years, we’ve done DevRel in a certain way, but AI is here, and it’s going to shake things up. 

You’ve probably seen the headlines about AI transforming people’s jobs, and DevRel won’t be immune to that. Our roles will evolve, and the key to staying ahead is embracing AI and using it to innovate. By doing so, we’ll ensure that we’re not only keeping pace with change but leading it.

AI in Community Management Playbook
The AI in Community Management Playbook is a digital doc designed to help you scale and improve your community efforts.

The developer journey: From connection to champions

In most companies, the developer journey follows a similar path. Here’s a simplified view of how it usually works.

Phase one: Connect

Your goal in the first phase of the developer journey is to ensure that third-party developers know your API or platform exists. 

You can do this in the following ways:

In short, the focus is on visibility – making sure developers can find you.

Six content marketing hacks for developer marketers [eBook] | Developer Marketing Alliance
Over 80% of developers influence or authorize purchases. That makes your job challenging. You must get your products in front of them without appearing to sell. Luckily, our eBook is here to help.

Phase two: Engage

Once developers know about you, the next step is to build relationships and educate them on how to use your product

You want to make sure they complete any prerequisites needed before they can start working with your platform. This is where your “how-to” content and code samples become crucial. Post-event engagement, such as follow-up workshops, also plays a big role here.

Phase three: Adoption

Once you’ve engaged your developer audience, it’s time to turn your focus to adoption. 

Chances are, your CFO is asking about the return on investment (ROI) from all the resources spent on developer relations. While it’s important not to tie everything directly to revenue, adoption is the metric you want to highlight. It shows that more developers are using your products and launching their own projects with them. 

The quality of your documentation, the ease of use of your software development kits (SDKs), and the support services you provide will be key in driving that adoption.