Have you thought about becoming a Developer Marketing Alliance (DMA) Ambassador? Our Ambassador program allows you to grow your personal brand and visibility in the field of developer marketing.

It also gives you the opportunity to network and connect with other marketers like yourself (as well as developers).

Our program is hugely customizable so you can choose only what you want to do. For example, if all you'd like is to write articles, you can be an ambassador. Besides, it's only a 6-month commitment.

But don't just take our word for it. Here's what Ariana Faustini, Head of Marketing at Golioth, has to say about her experience as DMA Ambassador.

About Ariana Faustini

Ariana Faustini is a seasoned leader and Head of Marketing at Golioth. With extensive experience in brand and developer engagement, she has become a pivotal figure in shaping product narratives that resonate with technical audiences.

Her expertise lies in crafting relatable, impactful stories, leveraging her deep understanding of developer communities. 

How did you find out about the DMA ambassador program?

I learned about the DMA ambassador program through the wonderful Nisha Baxi. 

What inspired you to join the ambassador program and has the program lived up to your expectations?

The DMA is an incredibly helpful and welcoming community and I felt a strong draw to that and the level of empowerment that the DMA bestows upon it’s members.

As an ambassador, I can share my knowledge with an eager community, and as a life-long learner I can continue to stay fresh with what’s happening in the field. The program has definitely exceeded my expectations of what a community can do!

Why did this program stand out above market alternatives?

The DMA community stands out because it’s empowering. There’s not one singular person driving this community: it’s truly everyone’s involvement that makes this work.

That means you have impact as an individual.

Which aspects of the ambassador program did you find the most valuable?

The DMA ambassador program allows you to choose how you want to contribute. I find that so liberating.

Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, seasoned or new, there’s an avenue for you to participate and contribute to the overall health of this dynamic community.

It’s so welcoming! 

In what ways have you contributed to the DMA community, and what have you learned from it?

I’ve been able to present as a keynote speaker, on a panel, and as a meetup host. I’ve learned that you get what you put in.

If you want to go all out, you’re going to get a huge (positive) response! 

Has this experience helped you to network? If so, how, and have you built any new connections?

I think the networking has been incredibly valuable. And it’s also instilled more confidence in me as a professional.

I’ve made several new connections as an Ambassador to people who are incredibly passionate about the developer community.

It’s been so helpful to learn from them and to share my experiences as well. 

How has this experience impacted your professional growth?

The DMA ambassador program has been overwhelmingly positive for my career. 

If you hadn’t joined DMA’s ambassador program, what impact do you think this would’ve had on your career?

I think I would suffer if I hadn’t joined. The DMA helps me validate my work across areas of my career. 

Would you recommend others to join the program and why?

Absolutely. If you care about the developer community, you should join this program. If you want to grow your career, do it with the ambassador program.

Take the steps, do the work, and grow! 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an ambassador?

Go for it. Don’t question yourself. Apply and give it your best effort. 

Still wondering if ambassadorship is for you? Maybe these perks and benefits can help you make a decision!

🎖6 months free annual Pro membership.


💡 Access to an exclusive network
📚 Early access to reports
📝 Early access to new courses
🎖Reputable stamp on CV
🧑‍🏫 Special rates across all products
🖥️ Free access to our virtual events
📢 Reciprocal promotion on socials
🎯 Input into shaping the future of DMA
🌐 Ambassador networking opportunities

Developer Marketing Alliance | Ambassadors
Our ambassadors are key in helping us educate, inform and inspire those seeking knowledge. Join us now and become a DMA Ambassador.